Killer Ideas for SEO Link Building Strategies

Driving huge and relevant traffic to your site is one of the major objectives of an SEO expert. Every business wants to grab the number one rank on the SERPs. Therefore, SEO practitioners try their best to deploy SEO tools and tactics that manage to enjoy 15 seconds of fame but then fail due to the regular updates of search algorithms of Google. Developing SEO link-building strategies is one of the popular digital marketing techniques that drive more and more valuable traffic to your site through several high-quality links that point to your website in the right context.

Unlike the Panda and Penguin algorithms, the Hummingbird algorithm makes it necessary that the SEO link-building strategies for our website are entirely Google-proof so that your site does not get relegated to the second page two or beyond Google’s SERP. But before you look into creating your own SEO link-building campaigns, you must ensure that your overall SEO link-building strategies are right. Check out some of the killer ideas that will surely help you devise better and more effective SEO link-building strategies to implement on your site.

1. Understand the Quality criteria of Google

Google’s algorithm offers very specific guidelines of Do’s and Don’ts which makes it easier for SEO practitioners.

Do NOT use scraped content from other sites:

If you use the scraped content from a popular site that is well-ranked on the SERP to attract search engines, it’s undoubtedly a bad practice. Even if you use content from renowned sites, make sure you edit or modify the content accordingly to match your readers’ tastes. Your content should be original and unique that include fresh data, views, or opinions.

Avoid low-quality guest posting:

It’s not the quantity, it’s the quality that matters the most. Google discourages the practice of posting rehashed or unauthentic content that lacks quality and that doesn’t provide relevant information to the readers. The recent Google update to the Webmaster Guidelines puts cookie-cutter guest posts that come under the scraped content.

Syndicate your content to renowned blogs:

Syndicating the content to some well-read blogs or publishers such as Yahoo is one of the best tactics to develop backlinks to your site. If you try copying the exact content from other sites, you can be labeled as a copycat and can be even punished by the search engines for the same. You can avoid this unwanted scenario by including rel=canonical attributes in your HTML coding. You can also protect yourself to be labeled as a content copywriter by publishing your content before being published elsewhere. Authorize your content using authorship markups that prove your content to be original.

Doorway sites:

Another black hat technique that Google discourages is the doorway sites. As the name suggests, doorway sites are nothing but a bunch of sites that drive traffic to a particular site. Doorway sites make use of different keyword phrases or search strings that link back to your main website. When you click on these links, you might be redirected to the same linked site instead of taking you to another site in spite of using different keywords.

Affiliate marketing:

Affiliate marketing or program is one of the essential SEO link-building strategies that can earn you rank. Make sure you have your affiliate links to your website on high-quality sites that have original product descriptions. Also, original reviews and comments along with product recommendations from genuine bloggers tend to convince potential users and Google bots.

2. Keep your focus on relevance

Besides the quality of the sites that have backlinks to your site, the relevancy of the sites is also equally important. Google’s ranking principles help in determining the rank of your site. Always keep in mind that in order to post content or submit backlinks, you should approach renowned sites that have keywords relevant to your business.

Here is a four-step test that will help you determine which link is relevant and which is not:

  • Make sure the site to which you choose to submit links should have some relation with your industry.
  • If not, then the site should at least have a portion that should be related to your site.
  • Sometimes, links on an unrelated site don’t give much output, but if the links from the content on the webpage are directly related to the content of your page, it can increase the relevant traffic to your site.
  • Above all, the link which you have earned from the related site or related sections of the site must match the overall context of your website.

3. Implement a diversified SEO link-building strategy:

Google has a long list of do’s and don’ts when it comes to increasing your rank on Google’s SERP. All you need to do is keep yourself updated with Google’s constantly changing algorithms and try effective tactics to accelerate your link-building strategies.

Summarizing the SEO link-building strategies as follows:

Writing, publishing, and promoting creative and high-quality content that offers backlinks to your site

  • Receiving citations and recommendations from individuals and trusted websites
  • Being an active user on social media platforms to generate more social proof
  • Syndicate your site’s content on websites related to your industry
  • It would be better if you post columns or guest postings on renowned industry websites or blogs.

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